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Writer's picture: Ramsey BergeronRamsey Bergeron


Ramsey Bergeron at his 20 yr class reunionformer classmates Matt and Will.  with

I asked that a lot last weekend while engaging people I haven’t seen in 20 years at my class reunion. Not sure if it’s because I don’t live there anymore, or visit so rarely, but it’s quite a surreal experience. Meeting up with those who share an origin story, but went on to tell completely different tales. Some became Spiderman, others Wonder Woman. A few turned out to be Walter White or George Costanza. I settled for being the inventor of post-it notes. But what struck me as so interesting is Spider-Man didn’t set out to be Spider-Man. Nor did Walter. And I never thought that I would stumble upon the glue that launched my sticky pad empire.


Our stories grew out of life. Out of our journey. Not the day we stood up in front of the class and said “I want to be a doctor” or “lawyer.”


Because that girl you met at the coffee shop smiled at you just right. And now she shares that smile with your three beautiful children. Because that parent needed you to move home to help take care of them. Because you got transferred to a new city, got laid off, and had to survive. Because you hated that major and decided you wanted to be an journalist instead of a chemist. Because you got a lucky break. Because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

And that’s okay.


Because that’s life. And it’s beautiful. And real. And most importantly, it’s yours. Whether you feel your circumstances were good or bad, they ARE you. An entirely unique blend of your every original thought and action mixed with every single experience the universe has forced upon you. I was suppose to be in LA, a world famous actor married to Scarlett Johansson. But I have a beautiful wife. And even though she’s not in the Avengers, she fights for me whenever I need her. And though I just barely scrape by at times, I am making an impact in people’s lives by providing small pieces of paper with weak adhesive on the back (and occasionally fitness and life coaching).

And that’s okay.


Because we are all still playing the lead in our own tales. Still evolving into ourselves. And for those of us that realize that, it’s fucking incredible. It’s freedom. Every moment in our lives so far is prologue to this moment. Now. It’s our backstory.


Because we can change our entire lives today. You’re not a victim of your past, you are the arbiter of your future. Even Vader died a good guy. Travel. Write that novel. Say you’re sorry. Stop making excuses. Cuz this is it. Your one shot at life.

So thank you, class of ‘97. You’ve inspired me to remember I’m the one holding the pen. Glad I have all these post-it notes to start writing my story on.

Chapter One...

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